What you love!

         Promote what you love

Okay, so let's just say that your hands are holding a bat, gripped tight. You hold your shoulders back and get ready to swing it with all your might and force. There's this big Horse shaped Piñata which is filled with all the things you dislike. It could be bad comments of people, negative vibes, or animal cruelty. It could be anything. The mentioned ones are the things I dislike. You take a deep breath, pull the bat back and swing it forward with all your strength and hit the Piñata which causes it to break into a thousand pieces. All the things that you hate are scattered on the floor in bits. You are in anger and rage, so you hit the small pieces making them into even smaller pieces. They are practically like a puree now. You continue hitting, you break the floor tiles. The neighbors are complaining. Finally, you stand up straight and look at the terrible things you've broken. You feel happy....

....until the next morning, you wake up to a world filled with negative vibes and animal cruelty. How is this possible ?! Well, that's because bashing up something you hate does not get rid of it. It just makes you feel better for a short period of time. If you want to solve problems, then don't lash out at all the things that are wrong. Instead, promote all the wonderful solutions.
In other words, promote what you love and don't bash out what you hate.
Imagine that your actions in real life function similarly to the way YouTube recommends videos for you to watch. The more cat videos you watch, the more YouTube will recommend other cat videos. Positively reinforcing what you like results in more of what you like. Just the same, if you watch more gruesome crime videos, you will be exposed to even more crime videos. When you're scrolling through Instagram and see that one of your friends ( someone you had gone to school with years ago and aren't in contact with) has written something in his story you think is in bad taste, replying to the comment will most probably encourage them to reply back to you, which will create more of a conversation you disliked in the first place. Whereas if you ignore that comment and instead gave a heart emoji to a story posted by your friend, you would continue to see your friend's stories on your timeline. Promoting what you love, will result in seeing more of what you love in the 

Now, it's true that there can be several exceptions to this rule. How can you not bash what you hate if someone is doing or saying hurtful things or possibly even harming something you love? We all hold certain things close to our hearts. When they are attacked, we get triggered. That's completely normal and expected because, surprise! we are humans. Sometimes we have to speak up about the things we disagree with. With that said, it's important to understand the difference between bashing what you hate and coming up with a solution. It's not fruitful to simply hate on something, you also have to try to fix it.
It's all about choosing your battles and fighting those battles with tact. If you're a vegan and don't support animal cruelty, don't write a horrible comment underneath someone's Instagram picture of a McChicken burger. Instead post some healthy vegan recipies that helps cut fat. If the option exists to promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate, you must take it. But if your passion gets the best of you and you feel the need to disapprove of something, just understand that mean words and lots of exclamation marks won't solve the problem. If you're going to respond or address something you don't like, reply with ideas and words that will direct people towards the solution you love. After all, let's be practical. We cannot control all the things we dislike in this world.Just inject the world with love !
Lastly, I would like to thank all my viewers for reading my articles and not taking into consideration my skin color or sex. Although, let's be real: my skin color and sex are pretty awesome😉
Finally, no actual Piñatas were harmed in writing this article.

okay bye!!


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