
                         Set Deadlines!

Remember that scene from 300 where Leonidas is getting attacked with arrows from every direction, but he continues attacking his enemy until his last breath? It's very painful to watch as he swings his sword with so much aggression and with a purpose. Deep down you know that it's the end, but his persistence gives you a little shred of hope. 

That's what I looked like in school the night before a record submission was due. I had three weeks to get this 20-25 page Biology record done, but lo and behold there I was at 11 pm on a Sunday night stuffing my face with the third helping of Soya Rice. I'd tried to write the essay the previous Sunday, but I couldn't find a comfortable enough pen to create an outline, so I had to go stationery shopping. A few days later I tried again, but it turned out my desk was too messy to work on, so I had to clean my room. The day before, I had been committed to doing this essay but I sneezed a few times and decided to take it easy and watch some TV instead. This whole scene has procrastination written all over it.

Procrastination is an Amitastic person's worst enemy. It's like that little voice inside our head that convinces us that almost anything can be put off for later, no matter how unrealistic. As a result, you will wait until the last possible minute to start your assignment, leave your house for a meeting, or change your clothes on a Sunday. In most cases you'll get the task done, somehow, someway. Maybe it won't be done to the best of your ability, but you probably still got it done. Now, just imagine how powerful procrastination would be if you had absolutely no deadline at all. You would be seventy two years old and in an old-age home trying to complete your Biology record from the 9th grade. And even then you would convince yourself that you're wheelchair wasn't comfortable enough, so you'd get to that homework later.

But you know what, deadlines are always easier to follow when they're public and your held accountable for them. Think of something you've been wanting to do for a long time but have never gotten around to do. I want you to take a second and look deep inside yourself. Do you REALLY want to accomplish this task? Are you willing to work absolute hardest for it? Are you willing to acknowledge that your hardest isn't your hardest and then work even harder than that? If the answer is yes, grab a calendar and set a deadline.
The clock is ticking! 



  1. Super amit iam great and proud to have a friend like u

  2. I get where you're coming from. I miss deadlines all the time!


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