The backup plan!

            The Alphabet is a LIE

Hey there! I'm sure the title of the article sounds quite weird. A lot of parents are firm believers in having several backup plans when it comes to life. With respect to your career, finances and even relationships (ugh!), they stress how important it is to have a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C. Hell, some parents even make it to Plan E. Yes, that's right! A plane ( boy I'm on fire!🔥).

What I am trying to say is that the idea of a backup plan is ingrained into our minds. If I'm travelling for a cousin's wedding, I pack the outfit that I'm going to wear, the Kurta, the pajama, the broach and the perfect chappals. Done. But then, what if for some unforseen reason that outfit doesn't make sense anymore once I arrive? What if I spontaneously gain 5 kilos on the plane ride because of turbulence or something? I better pack a backup outfit with another pair of chappals and broach. But then, neither of my outfits accounts for the weather being terrible. I better pack a third outfit option that can withstand the weather conditions. Okay, done...
.....although I never took into account the possibility of meeting a cute girl at the wedding and asking her out on a date. I better pack one nice outfit( A blazer perhaps).

Backup plans for days! Regardless of how conditioned we are to create backup plans, I'm going to encourage you to focus only on Plan-A.
In other words, EFF a Plan-B. It's a very simple logic. If you really want to do something, simply don't have a Plan-B. Having a Plan-B means you're expecting your Plan A to fail and that isn't the right attitude. Toss your Plan B in the dustbin and put all your efforts and energy into your Plan A.
Instead of HAVING multiple plans, DEVELOP a Plan A. Of course what I'm suggesting is risky, not to mention terrifying, but if you're willing to work for your dream, lose sleep for it and give 200 percent for it, then put all your eggs in one basket and make the basket golden.
So, what do you want to do? Who do you want to become? Where do you want to work? Whatever answer is, make that your Plan A and don't clutter your mind with 25 other plans that are backups. Your mind, energy and time need to be united for your Plan A to work.
I'll end by saying that I'm going to expect from all you Amitastic people what all parents expect from their children, and that's no B's, only As.


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