Not made.Not broke

Don't be made. Don't be broken.

Alright, imagine you're making an important presentation for representing your school. This presentation is very very very vvveeerrrryyyy important for you and you're thinking that if this doesn't work out, your life is literally over! You need this. Your entire existence completely depends on this presentation. To sum it all up and make you understand the is basically oxygen for you!

To this I say: STOP! I don't want you to be struggling for air like a fish out of water when you have something important to do. If you think about it, it is quite terrifying and to be brutally honest, pretty stupid to base your entire education on one opportunity. Of course some things in life are very important, but an Amitastic person understands that no one thing must make you or break you. Good one right? 😅🙈

I mean look at it this way. You are building an empire and no empire is built overnight and at the same time, they do not fall that easy too. They should be built on a strong foundation so that they are able to pass the test of time and stand strong when threatened. Empires are not built on one single pillar and similarly, your career should not be built on one single success. Well, one success is a terrific building block, but it can't be the only thing that will support you for the rest of your life. And similarly, one pillar crumbling away does not bring down the whole empire. Therefore, one failure should not destroy everything you've built.

In other words, if one opportunity will make or break your success, then your idea of success isn't solid enough to begin with. Even if you pass the test you can't bank you're entire success on that one achievement. 

But you know what, I get it. When you're faced with a great opportunity, your mind can get a bit carried away and dramatic. And that's completely okay. It is good to be happy and on cloud 9 because it is your moment. But don't let that one success onto your head.

Having said all this, I'm not suggesting you should approach important opportunities being cool and composed. You should always give 150 percent of your energy and effort. But at the same time you want to be in a position where you cannot be impacted so easily. You can be a ruler of a strong empire but still have the mentality of a hungry hustler.

So, if you find yourself stressing over one opportunity or one failure, perhaps the real problem is the foundation you've built. An Amitastic person cannot walk the walk if the ground is crumbling beneath them. You need to strengthen your empire.

Always remember that, 'You cannot be made or broken so easily!'



  1. I always love you a profound explanation Amith. please go head the same way
    Good luck


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