Dreams do come true!

Never Stop Dreaming

The Little Mermaid is like the classic example to prove that Dreams do come true. I mean, you probably must be thinking that it's just a fairytale and not real life. Well I strongly and positively agree with you because Real life and fairytales are a lot different. You don't have talking animals, merpeople (debatable), fairy Godmothers in the real world. But what is that one thing that is common with the Real world and the "Fictional World"? I think you know it. People dream. I'm not talking about day dreaming, that's definitely not productive. I am talking about the dreams that people hope that come true. I know most of the people reading this, (or probably scrolling through this) article must have a dream. Some may have a dream to own the world's fastest car, or earn a hell lot of money, or become a famous celebrity. Well, Ariel ( The little mermaid) too had a dream. She wanted to visit the world above the sea, to be more precise, the land. Then she went through a lot of turmoil, lost her voice, fought that octopus bi**h and finally she was able to live on the land forever. Her dream came true. Do you know why? Because she never gave up. She never gave up on her dream. Dream is a fuel to run a person's life.
The driving force behind every successful person in this world is their dream. Dream is the energy which keeps them alive in their success journey. Their dream is the burning desire which ignites the fire in them. Such burning desire does not let them sleep. They go mad; they go crazy after their dream.One has to have such dream to be successful in their life. In absence of the dream, you are just like a body without soul. Dream is the power, Dream is the energy, Dream is the reason to survive and most importantly we are given the birth in human being to fulfill our dream and make our life meaningful. An Amitastic person will surely have a dream! I have a dream. You know, I've always dreamt to earn popularity. I want to be the most popular person wherever I go. I know, you think it's not that big, but it doesn't need to be big, it just needs to be something that you want. 
If you do not have a dream, start dreaming right away. Figure out the reason of your existence in this world. Find out your burning desire. Sit with your family, friends and mentors. Discuss with them and with their help get to know your dream. Make your dream as your goal of the life. Dream should not let you sleep. Dream should not let you get tired. Dream should not let you stop at any point. Dream should not let you give up during your success journey. Start sharing and talking about your dream.Well, if you dream to find Richard Gere at your doorsteps with a bouquet of roses, well it could come true, if you put the effort in achieving it.
Well, you probably must be aware that dreaming is not enough, you need to put a lot of effort to achieve it. But that's not what I am talking about. Don't think about the effort, just think about your dream. Once you can't get that dream out of your head, you will surely put a hell lot of effort to achieve it.
Go to bed with your dream, wake up with your dream, you eat dream, you walk dream, you inhale dream, you exhale dream. Start living your dream. Start visualizing your dream. You are living in your dream world. The whole world start conspiring making your dream come true. Live like a dreamer and turn your dream into reality. Dreams do come. As truly said, “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today”. So, if so far you do not have any dream, please find out one. Your life will surely change thereafter. I know this was a very short article, but it is very special to me. Never give up on your dreams! You never know, they might just come true!😉


  1. Really an inspiring article Amith
    To be honest your energetic words infused me a lot of energy and helped me to ponder about my dreams


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