You're nice!

                     Be nice to people  

If anyone asks me what I think are the keys to success, I would say:
' Work Hard and be Nice '.
When I say work heard, people respond with a solid head nod because obviously that makes sense. But when I say be nice to people, they kind of tend to tune me off. 
Is it really necessary to be nice to get successful? Does it even make a difference? After all, we don't live in a world full of fairies, it's made up of cold hard facts. Successful people are the ones who are talented, work hard and get things done. 

Well, I can assure you that every successful person who you idolize has a team working behind them. Teamwork is  major ingredient in the recipie for success. Each member of the team recognizes that the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. You must be wondering that you don't have a team, so this advice doesn't apply to you, right? Let me remind you that you're a part of the human race. Humanity is the biggest and the important team you will ever be on. When you start being an awesome member of team Humanity, it'll help you be an awesome member of team You.

Successful people understand the importance of positivity also. They know that their ideas will be rejected , things will go wrong and mistakes will be made. No matter what, they still maintain a positive outlook. Have you ever met a mean person who was positive? I haven't. That's because people who aren't nice dish out negative energy. When you're nice to people , you take control of the energy surrounding you and create a positive environment which supports you and helps you grow. 
Being nice has a lot of perks. Let me explain how. In most situations in life, people will provide you with opportunities. A person will hire you, build you, teach you and help you. A PERSON does all those things, therefore it makes a lot of sense to be nice to PEOPLE. I don't see R2D2 rolling up to anyone and offering them a job, yet we treat our phones better than some of the people in our lives. You gotta realize that being nice to people is very much essential for you to get opportunities. People won't work with someone who is horrible to be around. 

The power of being nice to people should not be underestimated. I'm happy to say that I've established many connections and have been given many opportunities simply because I've been kind to people.

Being nice to people definitely includes being polite,smiling and giving your friend the last piece of cake, but if you want to be nice like an Amitastic person, then you need to understand that sometimes your kindness must be proactive. This means actively thinking of ways to be nice to people that will leave a lasting impression. You should treat niceness like a task on your daily to-do list and give it as much importance as anything else. 

Just remember that if you're nice to people, you will made them feel good. And when you make them feel good, they will associate you with these good feelings. That connection is really important if you want to be successful. After all people will want to work with, give opportunities to and support people who make them feel good.
So remember : Be nice like a fairy spreading pixie dust❤



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