Unapologetically me!

                          Just Be Yourself! 


In this crazy mixed up world, I assure you, everyone is weird. No matter how normal they may seem to you, trust me, they also do super weird stuff when they're alone😌. When I am on the stage giving a presentation or a speech, I stand straight, my clothes properly ironed and I use words like 'manipulate' or 'callous'. But when I'm at home, I am never fully clothed. I mean, I just wear my gym shorts and a loose torn shirt, my hair's messy and I am jumping on my bed making pig noises. I know you'd recommend that I seek medical help, but that's me. That's the weirdo I am and I am proud of it.

But there's more to being yourself than just being weird. In this modern age, everyone thinks that they are being their true selves because they use tons of quotes they find on the internet indicating so and post double chin selfies. A silly selfie with two filters in a casual outfit with a caption that says, " Sorry, not sorry" is a very basic level of being ' Yourself '. I've recently learned that true authenticity is just like a tasty cake. Once you get past the sweet foamy cream on the top, you'll find the heavy and thick cake. I used to live my life thinking that I was completely myself. I accepted my weirdness, never pretended to be someone I wasn't,( imitated lots of them, but never pretended!) and always stood up for what I believed in. If someone was taking attendance right now and called my name, I would raise both my hands because I'm so Me! 

Over the years, I've changed a lot. I understand the difference between being yourself and being unapologetically yourself on a deeper level. Beyond the self-depreciating  and weird quirks I make during conversations, I'm learning to accept all the faults in me. If I'm upset and make a poor decision, I try not to be ashamed. I made that decision. My unique personality and life circumstances helped maje that decision and even if I have to fix whatever mess I've caused, I own that decision. If I feel jealous or insecure, I totally accept and embrace that side of me and proudly communicate it. Accepting and your flaws and being okay with them and showing that to the people is what truly means being yourself. That is unapologetically you. 

So go ahead, embrace all your flaws conquer life like a pro!
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go make pig calls πŸ–πŸ½πŸ·! 



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