There are no elevators in life !

                  Take the damn stairs

It's very common in today's world that everyone is looking for shortcuts. You don't need to unlock your phone if you have to take a picture, just swipe up and the camera shows up. You don't waste time waiting on the road and asking people for directions, you open google maps and check for the Fastest route. If I do have to unlock my phone, I just scan my finger, coz who has time to enter those 4 digits and unlock the phone. I don't even have to type the full sentence while TXTING coz abbreviations are very easy to understand. FYI acceptable AF BTW. Who has time to meet new people and establish meaningful relationships? You just swipe left or right on an image and let the system do the match making stuff. Life has become that simple these days, because of shortcuts. A classic example would be the use of elevators over stairs. But honestly, shortcuts save us a lot of energy and let's face it, they are convenient. But an Amitastic person understands that shortcuts and success don't coexist. 
People often ask me, "what do you do to be at ease in front of a lot of people?" or " what do you do to get that amount of confidence? " When someone asks me the above questions, I usually think that they expect me to give them the recipe to some kind of a magical potion which would give them the confidence. A potion containing a mixture of Hippogriff feathers, unicorn blood and essence of dittany. I'm not a Hogwarts student to know all that so, count me out.🙆‍♂️

There are no potions which would give you confidence and lead you to success in the muggle world. ( Well, in the wizarding world we have the Liquid Luck, so..never mind! ) 
My secret to how I gained confidence is something which most of the people don't want to hear: it's a lot of hardwork!
There are no elevators in the path to success. You have to take the stairs. God did not add the element of confidence or courage or any element that differentiates me from the others while creating/moulding me. I worked really hard to earn that confidence. Practiced the traditional way, without using any shortcuts. That's because there are no shortcuts to success. You have to take the hard way. Just like in the previous posts, you need to get out of your comfort zone.

I know it's pretty much exhausting to climb the stairs, especially when you can't see the top of the staircase. But hear me out when I say climb the stairs. No ifs, no buts no ughs!  Remember all those times when you had a major project to finish and you just stared at it thinking , " What if I faked a stomachache?" You'll skip for that day, but you gotta complete the project some or the other day. You'll most probably think, " Why don't I copy off a friend's? " You somehow copy the project but the teacher catches you and now you have to do the project again. So much for taking a shortcut! No matter how many times you stare at this project, it's not going anywhere. You need to buckle down and do the work. There is no other way, so stop wasting time thinking that there is.

In some or the other way you know it. It's just like how I know that googling ' How to get a flat tummy without exercising ' is never going to be productive. The answer is to eat right and effing work out. No matter how many shortcuts you try, you won't succeed until you do the work.

All I have to say is working hard really feels good. Of course it is exhausting and stressful but it surely is rewarding. One of the best feelings in the world is when you know that luck didn't play a role in your success.
Always remember , "Doing work eliminates the need for luck" I am not lucky, I just took the stairs. You should too.



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