The truth !

           Just Say what you Mean

Imagine that you're in a fight with your colleague or classmate and you're texting back and forth. You're sending paragraphs on paragraphs and you're super angry. You know exactly why you're mad and you think that you are absolutely right. You receive a reply and then you start banging away at the keyboard with your own response. Before pressing the send button, you generally pause and think, " Is this message okay?" " Is this emoji a little bit too much?" You confer with your friend just to make sure. "Is this wording okay? ". I used to do that a lot. I wasn't confident of my response , ever until I learnt an important lesson, that is : Say what you mean!  If you say what you mean, you don't need someone to edit your words. Your feelings are authentic to you and don't need any kind of revision.

There was this girl, whom I had met two years ago at a social gathering. We started a very good conversation and for some weird reason, she ended the conversation with 'Love You!'. I was literally smitten by amazement as people usually don't end a conversation like that. A few weeks later she texted me , " Miss ya!". I mean like, how can you love me if you don't even know me and how in the world can you miss me if you don't know what it's like to spend time with me. I mean, come on we spent like around half an hour that day, That's all. 
I get it that l, 'love you' and ' miss you' can be polite and friendly, but what's polite about lying. 

The same idea applies when you run into someone and they end the conversation with, "Let's grab some coffee soon. I'll text you!". We both know I'm never getting that text, but it sounds polite to say it. However, it's actually not polite, because it's not sincere. An Amitastic person doesn't make empty gestures. He/She says what they actually mean. A better response would be , " It was really nice seeing you. Hope to see you again soon!" See, it sounds just as polite and also does not contain the fake fluff. 

Communication must be easy, but we often make things a little bit complicated by not saying what we actually mean. We convince ourselves that we need to sugarcoat things to such an extent that our actual message ends up shattered. Or we beat around the bush and people have to solve a puzzle to understand what we're actually saying. I believe that you can be both charming and straightforward. As a matter of fact, until recent times, I too really indulged in this sugarcoating business, under the impression that girls like it. But I was wrong. Girls like it when boys are honest. Sugar coating is old school. So stop doing that and just say what you truly mean.

I also believe that, 'Say what you mean, but don't be mean'. Being a straightforward person doesn't mean you have to be rude or harsh. There's always a way to be open and honest while also being respectful. Anyone who behaves otherwise is just being lazy. This mentality is particularly helpful when you need to confront someone. To be brutally honest, I've never been good when it comes to confrontation, but the more I focus on saying what I actually mean, the easier it gets. Saying what you mean makes life a lot more easier to navigate. Instead of expecting people to read between the lines, you allow them read the actual lines, which saves everyone a lot of time and energy.

Always remember, communication shouldn't be a guessing game.It should be productive and straightforward. 



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