The Overthinker

                                      Thinking is Fantastic


On your quest to conquer life, you have come to the next level. Welcome! 
As the heading suggests, 'Thinking is Fantastic', I totally agree with that. I love thinking and I'm sure that most of you too love thinking. But occasionally, when we are really passionate about something , or when we are in a total fix, we tend to think a little bit more, like the total What? Where? When? How? and Why?, to a point where it becomes completely unproductive. It happens to everyone. Overthinking is a hurdle in your life which does not allow you to get things done. You should be able to make the decision as when to take time and think something through and when to simply make a decision.

Going in circles will get you nowhere. For example, when your girlfriend tells you that she wants to talk. Before you call her, you spend around 45 minutes just thinking about how the conversation will play out. 'What if she cheated on me?' 'What if I did something and she's mad?' ' She must be having all the SS of our chats', What if I accidentally cheated on her and didn't know?', ' She must be having Cancer! or worse, she must've been tested positive for COVID-19!', ' Maybe she's a lesbian?', 'Maybe she's not interested in me anymore?'.
Trust me, none of these brilliant thoughts are useful. They are completely useless. The best thing you gotta do is to simply call her. And when you do, you'll find it totally silly to have thought about it for 45 mins, when she asks, " Can you pick me up tomorrow?"

We humans have a tendency to overcomplicate the most simplest of things, because we overthink. But if you just take a deep breath and remember your priorities, it becomes a lot more easier to make a decision. An Amitastic person who conquers life, will prioritize before making a decision, which would organize everything in the mind and helps in taking the most beneficial decision.
The next time when you find yourself going around in circles, ask yourself, are you Earth? Is it your job to revolve in circles?, I assume it is not!. In that case, stop revolving in circles and make use of that valuable time in making beneficial decisions.Things will get a lot more simpler once you take a step back and take a deep breath to clear that mess in your brain!

I hope you liked this post and found it useful to conquer life! See you soon with another post.
Until then BYE !!!

( Hope they liked this post. What if they don't like it? I didn't add enough pictures, does it make the post less attractive?....)uh... you're still here, BYE!!!!!


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