The Game

       Getcha head in the Game

You know what they say : "You have to play the game to change the game." But how will you play the game if you don't know the game? You can't. You'd be dribbling basketball in a badminton court and asking for penalty. And if you can't change the game because you can't play the game because you don't know the're definitely not going to win the game. Right now you must be wondering, "What Game!?"
Well my friend, in reality everything is a game. The Game is great. Most things in life involve strategy, rules, levels and players.
When your at this cafe and hit on a cute girl, that's using strategy in the dating game. When you get promoted from a lower level to a superior level at your office, you passed a level in the office game. When you play hide and seek with your baby sister to get out of trouble with your mom, you're playing the game as well. Two games actually๐Ÿ˜‰

Whatever you're doing in life, whether you're a doctor, lawyer, painter, actor, artist, or even a cobbler, it's important to know the game so that you can excel at playing it. Let me tell you how. You need to become aware of what everyone else in the same field is doing. Not only does this allow you to learn from their successes and mistakes, but it also leads to building a healthy competition which is very much essential for evolution. On top of that, knowing the other player's game can help you adjust your strategy accordingly, just like a coach who studies the formations and plays of the opposing team.
Before I started this blog, I visited many blogs which were dealing with the similar issue that I am dealing with. I observed each and every detail in those blogs, the words they used, the background, the image placements and many more. Not just about the blog, I even watch tons of art videos on YouTube to get inspired and get new ideas. I'm a pretty fair artist myself, you see๐Ÿ˜Š 

Knowing the game not only helps you play to the best of your ability, but most importantly it also prevents you from being cheated. Imagine you're playing UNO and you don't know the rules. The opponent puts a red 2 and you put a red 4 and he puts a blue 5 and yells UNO as he has only one card. Since you don't know the game you don't question him about the blue card and most certainly your opponent would win. If you know the game, nobody could take advantage of you.

Recognizing that you're playing a game doesn't just make things more fun but also helps you to understand what people do the things they do allowing you to react with practicality and not emotion. Whatever game you're in, strap on those knee pads and get ready to play- unless your game doesn't involve knees at all, that'll make you look silly. All the Amitastic people are here to cheer you.

Let's play! 



  1. Hi Amith. the tips and experiences that you have offered in your today's post will surely help us ace any game including our life game very easily


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