Simon Says!

Conquer your thoughts!
Alright! So I have a small task for you! Touch your nose! 
No I'm serious. I want you to stop reading after this sentence and don't resume until you take your right hand and use it to touch the tip of your nose. Do it! Right now.

Now, look at you. What an impressive piece of machinery you are. Do you know what you just did? You were introduced to a thought and you decided to act on it. To explain it in a scientific way, your brain sends signals to your arm, prompting it to move and touch your spectacularly gorgeous nose!
Now, you must be wondering why did I make you touch your nose? Because I'm Simon and I run this town punk! No, but really, it was to show you that YOU control your mind; your mind doesn't control you. You successfully directed your brain to touch your nose. Imagine using the same type of direction to instruct your mind to stop being negative, or jealous, or terrified. We often feel that we are slaves to biology! I know it sounds silly but most of us do feel that way. People say things like, "I just can't help but feel that way!" or " I can'tr stop myself from being jealous!". But I believe that, in most situations, we can teach our minds to function with more positivity and efficiency. In simple words, by understand our mind we can conquer our thoughts. 

What does conquering your thoughts really mean? First, it means you get to wear an awesome warrior costume, so congratulations on that victory! #ootd. Also, it means understanding why you feel the way you feel, what drives you to perform certain actions, what causes some reactions and what kind of circumstances lead you to make regrettable decisions. Once you discover and understand all the ins and outs to your mind, you basically have the cheat code to your "Game of Life". All you have to do is input the data and you have access to all the extra mental weapons, stronger protection and new passageways.
If you would have noticed,  I said YOUR "Game of Life" not THE "Game of Life". That's because everyone's mind is totally different. The cheat codes you discover for your mind cannot be applied to all of humanity. Let me make one thing clear. I'm not encouraging you to study the biology of the brain( it is interesting but who has that much time?)
I'm encouraging you to study your specific psychological make-up.
Well, I have faced a lot of negativity and insults in school but yet I learned to live with it! Want to know how? The cheat codes I used were these:

CHEAT CODE 1:  Maybe they're having a bad day. When people do or say hurtful things, there's a chance that they may be upset about something else in their life. Let them vent it out!

CHEAT CODE 2: Should other's opinion about you impact what YOU think about yourself? No it shouldn't. Sometimes when you hear other's opinions you'll feel pressured to change your own. Before you enter into situations in which you will be confronted with a lot of opinions, make sure you strongly and truly believe in yourself.

CHEAT CODE 3: Your happiness is bigger and stronger than your fear. You can continue battling fear as long as what you do makes you happy.

The cheat codes I discovered while dealing with Negativity at school have been very useful in so many areas of my life. When someone cuts me off while driving, I use cheat code one so that I don't overreact: the person driving could be upset about something in their life. Cutting me off wasn't about me. Conquering your thoughts is not a task that can be accomplished overnight, or over many nights, to be honest. It's an ongoing process that requires constant readjustment because your mind is constantly evolving. It requires you to ask yourself a lot of questions and giving honest answers.The information you discover is powerful because it helps you to discover patterns and in turn use your mind productively. 
You know what they say, The mind is the most powerful tool, but it's not useful if you don't know how to use it. It's like trying to fix a printer with a stapler. It doesn't work. Trust me, I've tried it.

The key is to use a hammer, because all printers suck!!

Okay BYE!!!!


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