Lazy bones ? Not me!

Not Lazy, Active!
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 Well, to begin with today's post, I am literally not the right person to be talking about being active ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.Tell me to do a night out and finish the entire Harry Potter series, I will. Tell me to host an 8 hour college event or go to each and every class and promote an event and I'll do it with a Barbie smile on my face๐Ÿ˜„. But tell me to do a 20 push-ups and I will just disappear from that place. I will move to  a different country, change my name to Mohit๐Ÿ˜‚ and throw my phone off a cliff so that there is no scope for further contact. But to be brutally honest, I do agree that my body needs the exercise. I am learning that being active and keeping my body fit and healthy is kind of like my job.

Being active, doesn't mean having an awesome body that you can flaunt at the beach or on Instagram. It also doesn't mean fitting into an XXXXS shirt. What being active really means is making sure that your body is able to keep up with what you do. It is completely useless if you have an amazing work ethic but a body which can't handle your fast pace. I always believe that if I want to be healthy, I must change a lot of things in my life, go to the gym for at-least an hour and a half and stay away from oily yummy food. But that literally never happened. Those things never happen because they are major changes in your life. Your body will find it difficult to accept such a drastic change. But I'm not saying you shouldn't accept that, you can adapt that lifestyle. But for that you need to be completely focused and give your 100%. But if you can't then you can make some small changes in your daily life which will not give you a sexy body, but will give your body the strength you need to conquer your life and be an Amitastic person. Here are a few things I do.

  • I stretch. I am an early bird, which gives a plenty of time before I leave for my college. So, I utilize just 20 mins of the time I do a few warm up exercises, like jumping jacks,
    rotating the head, hands and stuff. Then I do the hoola hoop. I just love the hoop. That is enough to energize me for the rest of the day. Trust me, it does make a huge difference in your day if you start stretching your body. 

  • At work, or at well sophisticated schools/colleges, start using the stairs rather than
    depending on the elevators, (unless you are really late for a meeting or a presentation๐Ÿ˜…). 

  • Instead of hopping on a bike to get the groceries, walk to the store.
    That's a pretty good exercise and you won't any worries of parking your vehicle. 

  • When you go to a party, don't just sit and talk like grandpas and grandmas or aunties of the neighborhood.
    Get up and Dance the night away like there's no tomorrow. 

  • Stay hydrated. I know, this is the toughest, but you need to keep your body hydrated to stay healthy and active. If you struggle to do so, get up right now and grab a glass of water.
    Finish the whole glass and then scroll down. Make it a habit.

These were just a few ideas to incorporate in your daily lives to keep your body fit enough to handle you and your work ethic. But just remember, don't be too hard on yourself. Just take it easy and slow. There was a time when I decided to start eating healthy, I stopped drinking tea, eating chocolates, biscuits and all sorts of food that my mom made. I started eating salads and tofu and raw tomatoes.( It was disgusting). But after a few days I caved in and started binge eating all the extra oil and extra fat food products. Don't shut down on all the food completely but eat in a moderated manner.

I know it can be really hard, but it is important to be active and healthy. An Amitastic person creates a positive environment for the mind, heart and soul. You cannot have a happy mind if you have an unhappy body. So always try to monitor what you put in your body and what you put in your mind. That's because, what you put in your body feeds your organs, including your brain, and what you put in your brain feeds your soul. So don't be lazy and try to stay active as much as possible at your own beautiful pace.

I'll see you again in the next post, bye for now!!! 
(let me finish my Oreo๐Ÿ˜‹)


  1. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜

  2. Though its difficult to adapt and follow all the tips that you have mentioned to be fit, the way you have put it makes it very easy and simple amith


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