Just hanging through life!

Don't just Survive!

Well, I have to ask you something before I talk about my post today. Are you stranded on an island and have no where to go? Are you Tom Hanks of 'Cast Away' who was stranded on the island and had to talk to a coconut? Are you Piscine from the movie 'Life of Pi' who was stranded on a boat with a Tiger named Richard Parker? Or are you in the Hunger Games? Are you in an island full of dinosaurs where you have to wait until the In-Gen people come and rescue you? I am sure you were on the Titanic and your ship sank. Now you have to wait on the floating door (which can easily have room for two grown adults, Dumb Rose) until a life boat comes and rescues you. Are you in any of the above listed situations? If no, then why are you acting like you need to survive in your life right now. If you are able to read this blog, then the chances are that you have been blessed with the equipment required for you to not just survive, but conquer your life.

Life can be pretty tough sometimes. You might face a lot of challenges in your life that no matter how much you try to avoid them, they keep popping up just like those pimples on a teenager's face. That may trigger the survival mode in you. In such situations you should survive. I am talking about financial problems. It's okay if you switch on your survival mode and switch off your conquer mode in times when you have financial problems. Maybe you are limited by your physical or mental health and I know, it is really hard to even think about conquering life when you are battling with an illness and also struggling to pay bills. Realistically, we all are required to go into survival mode sometimes in our lives , because our life circumstances demand it. That is completely fine. But very often I feel that we just stay in the same mindset , rather than taking control of our lives. We create this dome of excuses which we are comfortable with to prevent taking up challenges or threats.

 What I mean to say, loud and clear, is that even though we need to survive, we must not get too comfortable with our life jackets.
If you are drowning, keep your life jacket on and fight. But once you've learnt to swim, don't convince yourself you forgot how to. Take your life jacket off, swim your way to the shore, walk off the beach and reach the nearest police station to inform that you swam all the way to the shore and need to go home. 
If you are going to do it, do it the best you possibly can.



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