Get uncomfortable!

Kick comfort on the butt! 

My Father always says that " Everything you want is outside your comfort zone! ". Being uncomfortable is usually considered a really bad thing. That is because most of the people perceive discomfort as, getting stuck in the metro train with a lot of sweaty passengers or some may find watching intimate scenes on TV with their parents  uncomfortable. (Well that is very very very Uncomfortable πŸ˜…πŸ˜…)  
Coming to the point, putting yourself in uncomfortable situations is very crucial in developing new skills and gaining valuable experience. Today, I can say that I am confident enough to speak my heart out to an audience of at least a 100. But I didn't go from 0 to 100 overnight. People who are closely connected to me, often praise me for my public speaking. I have been appreciated by tons of people for my speaking skills. But, to gain that appreciation, I have gone through so much. When I was in school, I was very shy. I barely spoke in class, was always given the role of a tree in school playsπŸ˜…, (just kidding) was given less important roles in school plays because I never spoke in class. My teachers were under the impression that I couldn't speak well, when in fact, I loved reading. I was comfortable being quiet.But I was hungry for recognition and I had the thirst to prove myself. But my shyness never really allowed me to prove myself. When I was in my 10th grade, we had auditions for anchors for our Foundation Day. This was a golden opportunity for me to prove myself. Long story short, I gave the audition and out of 25-30 students only 2 of them were selected, one of them was moi! All I had to do was send that shyness into the cave of wonders for a 10,000 year vacation. And after the foundation day, I received that recognition I was looking for. I was given top priority for plays, (Main leads! ❤πŸ™ˆ), I hosted a singing competition and many more!!. Now I am not at all afraid of t I got uncomfortable. I moved out of my comfort zone to give the audition which banished my weakness forever. In some cases, you still have that fear, but you need to overcome it by getting uncomfortable quite often. 

The first time you get uncomfortable, it will be tough and a whole lot scary, but when you start getting uncomfortable in a regular basis, it'll keep getting easier and less scarier each time. To succeed at something, you need to step out of your comfort zone, inch by inch. Just remember one thing, 
On the path to success, fear and discomfort are only speed breakers. Don't make them dead ends.
I hope you found this post helpful. May the gravity be with you! 



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