Fall in Love! ❤
Love Yourself
Being in love is magical. We get that tingly feeling in our stomach and we have someone to text goodnight. We want the people we love to be happy and we always wish the best for them. When they succeed in life, we feel proud and when they struggle, we try to help them. And I'm just talking about loving a girl or a guy but also our mom, dad or family. We have special days dedicated to loving the most special people in our life like anniversaries for lovers, mother's day for moms and father's day for dads and Valentine's day for florists.

But what I think is that love shouldn't be reserved for other people. The first and foremost thing to do in life is to love yourself! Once you learn to truly love yourself, you'll be able to love others. When you don't love yourself, you will start projecting your insecurities onto others, preventing you from genuinely seeing them for who they really are. If you don't love yourself, then you're probably not the happiest version of yourself which sucks!
You must be wondering how loving yourself would lead you to conquer your life right? Let me tell you how. Loving yourself means you care about yourself. Someone who is well taken care of is more likely to be happy, healthy and productive. Loving yourself means wanting to make yourself proud. Most importantly, loving yourself means that you advocate for yourself and make sure that you are treated like a King/Queen which in the end comes down to conquering life. I didn't always love my self, but I had to fall in love with myself. When I was all alone a couple of years ago, not because there weren't anyone around me but for some reason I didn't want to be around anyone, I had no other option but to fall in love with myself. I used to hug myself and sleep every night. I felt sorry for myself and for how I was feeling at that point of time. wrapping my arms around myself was totally a reflex for me as that's what you do when you see someone who's sad. I kept talking to myself everyday and surprisingly started to find out things that I didn't know about myself which most of you might find creepy right? But no, it's not what you think.
What finally got me out of depression was learning what loving myself really meant. I didn't understand that I deserved to be happy.I thought I was meant to be sad, so I remained sad. But that's not how you treat someone who's sad right? You are not okay when they are sad. You work hard to make them happy. Once I started doing that, i started rebuilding my life. Overcoming my depression introduced me to the concept of loving myself. But it does take time. Like any other relationship, the one you have with yourself takes time and effort. Just remember one thing that you will not work hard for yourself if you don't love yourself. You will not fulfill your dreams if you dislike the person who dreamed them.
If you want to conquer life, give yourself a big tight hug and mean it!
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