Cut the crap

Don't talk Shit

For a minute, let's equate our brain with a piece of sponge. What does a sponge do when you dip it in a bucket of water?. It absorbs all the water right?. Similarly, our brain is a huge, extra-absorbent and wrinkly sponge which takes in the information around you whether you like it or not. It's hungry for knowledge, so it gobbles up everything in sight, kind of like me in a buffet.😌 
When we watch a movie, our brain registers the story depicted in visuals. When we read a book, our brain registers and creates visuals of the story on it's own. When we meet new people, our brain registers a new face, voice and the person's characteristics. This stuff is boring you tears right? Let me cut to the chase.
There is a saying in English : 'You are what You eat'.So when you talk shit about people, guess what you're feeding your brain. A nice full plate of shit with a side dish of your choice.😏

The brain is the most advanced tool of our body which is capable of doing so many amazing stuff if we use it's full potential. But it's a shame that we use this fantastic tool to gossip about people which in my dictionary means, talking shit. Thomas Edison's brain invented the bulb whereas our brain is busy in judging people and their outfits. It's a complete waste of a miracle.

An Amitastic person recognizes this beautiful gift of brain and doesn't want to spoil it by feeding it junk. What do you do to make a muscle stronger? You work it. Gossip has made your brain sitting on the sofa watching the GOT. Make it do a few sit ups. I mean spend a few minutes of your day thinking about doing something productive rather than judging people's looks or outfits. 

But to be brutally honest, sometimes you can't help it right? We all have that urge to talk shit about people we hate because in some way it makes you feel better. You need to try and contain that urge gossip. Here's the deal, next time you get this massive urge to talk ill about the person you hate the most, just pause and count to 10. Pretend that it's a secret and that you're not going to tell it to anyone. You have a secret that no one else in the universe has. Cool right? So whenever you're alone, just whisper that negative thought to yourself. Problem solved.
Once you master this skill, then stop being judgmental and mean towards people. The next time you meet a person, pick a feature to admire about him/her and store it in your brain. When you have a conversation with the person , pick up a personality trait, such as calm or funny or well-spoken. Make it a habit.

You must be in a fix that, 'If my brain should be thinking about ideas and not people, why is it okay for me to talk about people positively?' Positive judging is still judging right? My friend, you are absolutely right. However if you pay attention to your past conversations, you will notice that when you talk about someone positively, you talk with a sense of admiration. You've noticed some great quality in someone, so the chances are that you will be inspired to possess their great quality. On the other hand, when we talk about a person's negative qualities, the conversation tends to last longer. We tend to chew on the topic for too long which is a waste of time.

Just remember that your goal is to train your brain to think positively. Once all the positives cancel all the negatives your brain will be able to create wonders. Spend time each day thinking about ideas to broaden your horizons and grow your mind. Try to resist the urge of gossiping or as I like to say, Talking shit!



  1. Very well explained about how to use our mighty brain shrewdly


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