A barrier of true friends!

Keep your friends close! 

"A Tr-uu-e friend
You're here 'till the end
You pull me aside when somethin' aint right
Talk with me now and into the night
'Till its alright again
You're a true friend"
Hannah Montana's album, 'True Friend' gives us the true meaning of friendship. True friends stay close to you when you need them the most! They share your joy and divide all of your sorrow among themselves. To conquer your life, you need to stay positive. Positivity is a major tool for conquering life. For that purpose, an Amitastic person surrounds himself/herself with positive energy. True friends provide you with that positive energy. I have been super lucky to have found friends who have supported me through all my endeavors of life. They inspire me to do more, achieve something more. But finding true friends is as difficult as hell! You must choose them wisely, but most of the times it just happens automatically. Even though you might not have the same qualities or you might not behave the same way, but there is this strong connection that happens. When you meet people who you feel are truly having the ability to make that connection with you, don't ever leave them. Hold on tight to them.

Getting depressed and losing hope on life is just not what an Amitastic person does. He/She holds on to those two forces, (Friends and Family) in tough times for moral support. There are times when even an Amitastic person will face the rage of these negative forces, but he/she holds on to his/her true friends and faces that situation with a brave face. Well, to be fairly honest, I too was in a depressed state a couple of years ago when things didn't go the way I wanted them to go. The feeling of depression is just completely callous. You just don't know what to do in life. You feel that your life is just over. But it is not. At the age of 16, you don't say that your life is over. God damn it, it has just begun. you need to get a degree, get a job, find the love of your life. Before finding the love of your life, you gotta hook up with a lot of tasty people! Just because things didn't go right now, doesn't mean they won't in the future. As one of the most iconic disney characters once quoted- 'There is always a way out!'. There is always some or the other way out of the sticky situations you land into. You just need to 'Keep Swimming'! 

All I would like to convey through this post is that, True friends are your supporting tools. Hold on to them and conquer life.
Millions of hearts to Ms.Tanushree Sharma, one of my supporting tools, for suggesting me to post about true friends. 

BYE !!!!!!!!!


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